A new page: like it list

You've probably seen those cryptic favorites lists that so many blogs are prone to produce monthly or, god forbid, weekly.  Can you tell, I find them a tad annoying?  I mean, who has time to investigate every link to see what the person dug up on the internet and loved so much they had to post about it.  All the sentences like "loved this" or "found this at this cute shop and couldn't resist" just make me a little crazy (and are a huge time sync when curiosity gets the best of me).  Plus, I get feeling manipulated after clicking down their list and hitting a bunch of retail sites, no doubt allowing someone to get paid more for their ad space . . . 

All that griping aside, I like the idea of keeping track of good finds.  A week doesn't go by without being told about a cool book or resource -- not always on the internet, mind you -- that I want to keep track of.  So . . . I've started a new page on this blog as a repository for, well, exceptionally likeable stuff, in my opinion.

I hope you enjoy it -- and maybe even find it useful.


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