Solstice 2016: More light

It only gets brighter from here on out. The turning point. The pivot. The stopping. Tonight is the Solstice, and for me, perhaps even more than New Year's, it marks a new beginning -- literally and figuratively. It is literally the start of less night and more day. It is also the beginning of the next cycle of growth.

Tonight we celebrated with a meal we often make on Solstice -- fondue. Then, a first, we opened a gift to our family -- something we will all enjoy together in the coming year: a programmable robot named Sprk+.  Well, some of us will enjoy it more than others, let's be honest.

We also wandered the neighborhood admiring the extraordinary holiday lights. And we stopped in at a neighbor's Solstice party -- complete with bonfire and toddys.

I know more holidays are yet to come, but this one is quickly becoming my favorite, for its quietness, its focus on warmth and light, and for how it links us to the observances that humans have been making for millennia. Here comes the sun.


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