Solstice 2023: Abandon

I recently learned that one of my friends is becoming a Hakomi practitioner. I’d never heard of this practice until she told me about it. And I’m intrigued. 

As I understand it (and I am in no way qualified to explain it to you) Hakomi is a guided practice of mindfulness, which helps people to notice things about their body and mind without judgment -- and to release what things do not serve them. 

Permission to abandon what's not working — count me in.

This Hakomi concept has me thinking…what are the things I would be better for abandoning? Do I have ideas about myself, fears, beliefs, or habits that keep me from growing as a person? Do I keep people in my life who take but never give?

Maybe it’s time to make some changes and seek better alignment with my values.  Identifying and saying goodbye to people and behaviors that aren’t serving me, honestly, sounds kind of hard to figure out — and do. Even so, it occurs to me that avoiding this work — or putting it off— has consequences too. 

May we have the courage this season to abandon the right things.



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